Going On and On...and On

Sand Timer.jpg


When legendary Baseball announcer Red Barber called a game, he used a simple device to remind him to repeat the score frequently for listeners who had just started listening. He kept a three-minute egg timer, an hourglass, on his desk in the booth. Every time the sand ran down, he repeated the score and flipped his timer over.

Maybe you know someone like me who tends to go on and on. And on.

You could check into On and On Anon, but stealing from Red, you could, instead, use something much less expensive than a weekend at the On and On Anon Treatment Center.

I have a timer for 30 seconds, 60 seconds and 2 minutes. Depending on where I am, and the context where I may be speaking, I use the appropriate timer. 

When the sand in the top half empties into the lower half, I wrap it up.

It's just one additional way to talk less and, instead, use that valuable time to focus only on the most important points…minus any unnecessary words or phrases.

Red Barber

Red Barber

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